Wed. Mar 12th, 2025


1. New Opportunities for Exploring the Mind’s Operation

The variations of interactions among humans are accommodated in Strong AI applications. Research on the many open considerations for interactive effectiveness optimization and issues of doing no harm that may arise would be studied as would involve the changes in gender and age of individuals. These and application studies would involve the mind’s simulation with  ASIMS Strong AI technology.  In addition other studies on the usefulness of Strong AI in solving ongoing personal as well as community societal problems of employment dislocations that arise.

2. Harnessing Weak AI systems with Strong AI

Research on analyzing and improving human the effectiveness of human interaction with Weak AI that interact dialog.  The impediment for humans to learn to operate Weak AI automation unintelligent systems even  to become expert in their- even the  use of ubiquitous computer technology –  can be mitigatedby the intermediate use of Strong AI technology. Long term use of Strong AI machines over decades will enable large amounts accumulated personal information with composition of an individual’s personality will be researched for its beneficial opportunities as well as possibilities of maintaining long term privacy .

3. Sample Research Areas

Particular research opportunities  will be made that can employ Strong AI to  rectify social ills – such as research :-

over the range  empathetic interaction Monitoring and companionship – for frail elderly – 

Learning impaired supplemental support in work activities

Automated natural language

learning in ontological and image arrangements  

learning from episode experience

Gender age issues that influence ASIMS effectiveness

Issues that challenge ASIMS effectiveness- involving commonality of ASIMS motivational beliefs – regarding morality- religiosity – politics  

Controls for efficiency and protection of information privacy

Oversight by government agencies  international ramifications

Potential loss of human control issues that alarm machine operationautomated and controlled by machine directed by human action and speech – –

The living machine interface that trains and optimally creates user friendly command options

The Entertainment – distraction functions  

Genius issues involving the propensity to innovate 

Truths that society can build on  that Strong AI can undertake – Physics – mathematics – music – poetry – – 

Investigation related to implications on religious cultural understanding of unique – holiness of humans –

Implementation of the  to The Semantic Web

Military applications that focuses on machine –weapon loss not life.

Navigation Exploration by sensory image

Machine effectiveness in conditioning PTSD  syndrome and anxiety in continuing cognitive therapeutic dialog

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